Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nut Screws & Bolts

Nut Screws & Bolts.
I was told a story today about an incident that happened many years ago at an insane asylum.
One of the patients at the establishment managed to get out of his padded cell. 
He continued to overpower one of the nurses and raped her.
He then proceeded to walk out the front door and escaped.
The Headlines for the Newspapers the following day was. .. Nut Screws & Bolts.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Security? What's That?

A woman is designed by nature to develop a family.
Her entire intention is to find a mate that will be able to provide for her children. It is not necessary for him to be around as long as he brings in the bacon.
She will set up home and take care of the children, as long as the finances are available. Quite frankly, he is in the way of her running a household MOST OF THE TIME.
She does not need him, she just needs his money. She will encourage him to get out of the house to go to work or play. She will make sure that he's clothes are ready,  his food is made, and do all the things a domestic would do.
Having Sex for her, was just to get the children. Once she has enough children the Sex stops. The so called mutual interest is no longer mutual.
It is for this reason that most woman don't really mind a man having a bit on the side. As long as it does not interfere with her security or threaten the lifestyle she had set up for her children.
If you have a woman that you love with all your heart, then you need to take this into consideration before you agree to have children.
Once they are there, you become obsolete to her. If she is still having Sex with you it is because she is still insecure.